Today while taking pictures of him, as I usually do, he was quiet responsive and kept asking to see "Kami" after each click of the camera. I'm loving every moment of being a parent and I look forward to the weeks, months, and years to come.
I just wish they would be a little slower. I feels like yesterday I was looking at him for the first time in the hospital. Now, he's starting to boss me around... which I'm totally ok with by the way!!!
I'm a tech nut, that's all there is to it. I have to have the newest and the coolest, may it be shoes (yes, shoes!), watches, phones, computers, whatever. When the keynote from Apple was coming up early last month, I was excited. I was wanting to know how the company was going to 'revolutionize' the Tablet market. I hit refresh on my phone following the keynote so many times, I think my phone almost died. But at the end, it just turned out that the iPad is a big iPhone with a faster processor, without the capability of multi-tasking, USB connection, or flash capability. Oh ya, it doesn't take pictures, either. WONDERFUL!!!
I sometimes joke to friends that I already own the "iPad Nano". It makes phone calls and takes pictures too!
But just because a device isn't to my liking, it doesn't mean its a bad device. Over the last 3 years, I've become a huge Apple fan and own my "iPad nano", and two apple computers (desktop and laptop). This Just means I won't be investing in it... just like Apple TV, or MobileMe, which amazingly are both struggling ventures from Apple (from what I know and read, no source to report off the top of my head).
So today, as I do most days, I'm looking at different blogs and such... and I run across the following video. Engadget featured an article on the device on their site, and as much as I hate to admit it, if Windows does produce this device and it is actually as the video portrays it to be... I would gladly invest in one. I think it would be a great device to have, and possibly replace a day planner I carry for my day job.
Here is the video of the Microsoft "Courier", let me know what you guys think about it!